Tomcat Book Project

02:32 UTC Sunday March 09 2025

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Project Introduction

This project was founded to come up with a free(under the GNU FDL) and comprehensive guide to installing, configuring and deploying the Tomcat JSP/Servlet server.

Tomcat is the reference implementation of the Java Server Pages(JSP) and Java Servlet specifications. This means it is the most standards compliant Java server available.

Many users from a variety of backgrounds found out about the Tomcat server and decided it met their needs. These people are Web Hosting providers, E-Commerce application developers, in-house company web developers, university research staff and students, as well as interested individuals and other parties.

This project was founded due to the severe lack of in-depth material relating to the Tomcat server. The developers of Tomcat only produced limited documentation detailing how to get it up and running initially as well as including terse descriptions of how to carry out other tasks. For example, as of this writing the Tomcat 4 documentation still does not include information on how to get Tomcat interacting with the Apache web server!

Many people, however, knew how to do advanced things with the Tomcat server and this was expressed through the medium of the Apache-Jakarta project's Tomcat User mailing list. It was decided that something had to be done to bring together all of the information relating to the Tomcat server into one central place. This is the aim of the Tomcat Book Project.

This project was founded in April 2001 and currently has 50 members.
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