Tomcat Book Project

03:07 UTC Friday March 07 2025

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Table of Contents

Here is the new and eagerly anticipated Table of Contents for the upcoming Hitchhiker's Guide to Tomcat 2003 edition. This is in a high state of flux so check back regularly. If you would like to see something here or have an idea for an example/revision then please e-mail me at

The following modifications will be done soon.
  • Re-order web server integration Part for connectors rather than servers. If this is appropriate - If more than one connector possible for each server. (Apache can, but can others?)
  • Other connectors that will be of interest include Coyote JK2 (replaces mod_jk), HTTP/1.1, and a note on the new AJP14 protocol may be useful.
New 4.x ToC:-

Completion Status
Part I - Installation and configuration
Introduction None
   What are Servlets and JSPs? Bill Penberthy
From TC3
In Progress
   What is Tomcat? Adam Fowler
From TC3
In Progress
   Which version? Adam Fowler None
   What are my alternatives? Bill Penberthy
From TC3
In progress
   How Tomcat has evolved   None
   A look into the Future   None
Installing and Configuring Tomcat None
   Installing a JDK Dmitri Colebatch
From TC3
Rough draft
   Downloading and Installing Tomcat Dmitri Colebatch Rough draft
   Tomcat Configuration Dmitri Colebatch Rough draft
   Troubleshooting Dmitri Colebatch Rough draft
Using the Tomcat manager application None
   Any ideas   Rough draft
Deployment None
   Deployment Descriptor   None
   Deploying a JSP   None
   Deploying a servlet   None
   tomcat/lib vs. WEB-INF/lib   None
   Troubleshooting   None
Advanced Configuration None
   Configuring for multiple users and groups Adam Fowler None
   Virtual Hosts Scott Tatum None
   Workers Armin Roehrl None
   JSP Tags Bill Penberthy In progress
   WAR files   None
   Multiple redundancy with JavaGroups   None
Security with Tomcat None
   Using a security manager   None
   Realms   None
   SSL   None
Part II - Webserver integration
Apache Integration In progress
   mod_jk Martin Mauri, Scott Tatum Rough Draft Completed
     ajp12 vs. ajp13 Scott Tatum, Martin Mauri Rough Draft Completed
   mod_webapp   None
   Configuration files Martin Mauri, Scott Tatum Rough Draft Completed
   Applicaiton mapping Scott Tatum Rough Draft Completed
   Virtual hosting Scott Tatum Rough Draft Completed
   SSL   Rough Draft Completed
   Security issues   None
   Troubleshooting Martin Mauri, Scott Tatum Rough Draft Completed
iPlanet/Netscape Integration In progress
   NSAPI compliation Chad La Joie Rough draft completed
   Configuration files Chad La Joie Rough draft completed
   Application mapping Chad La Joie Rough draft completed
   Virtual hosting Chad La Joie In progress
   SSL Chad La Joie Rough draft completed
   Security issues Chad La Joie In progress
   Troubleshooting Chad La Joie In progress
IIS Integration In progress
   ISAPI integration and configurations Adam Fowler In progress
   Configuration files Adam Fowler In progress
   Application mapping Adam Fowler In progress
   Virtual hosting Adam Fowler In progress
   SSL Adam Fowler In progress
   Security issues Adam Fowler In progress
   Troubleshooting Adam Fowler In progress
Part III - Container integration
Integration with Sun's ONE IDE(Forte) In progress
Integration with JBoss In progress
Part IV - Development with Tomcat
Commonly used APIs None
   Log4J   None
   Taglibs   None
   Struts   None
   The Velocity template engine   None
Complementary packages None
   Ant   None
   JavaMail   None
   JNDI   None
   SOAP   None
   ebXML (?)   None
   NSPF (he he!?!)   None
   Other notable packages   None
Appendix A: Extra Resources None
   Specifications   None
   Java Tools Armin Roehrl (HttpUnit) None
Appendix B: Example Applications None
   Basic Examples   None
   Advanced Examples   None
Appendix C: About the project team None
   The Authors   None
   Vital support members   None

Old 3.x ToC:-

Completion Status
Introduction In progress
   What are Servlets and JSPs? Bill Penberthy In progress
   What is Tomcat? Adam Fowler In Progress
   What are my alternatives? Bill Penberthy In progress
Installing and Configuring Tomcat None
   Installing a JDK Dmitri Colebatch Rough draft
   Downloading and Installing Tomcat Dmitri Colebatch Rough draft
   Tomcat Configuration Dmitri Colebatch Rough draft
   Troubleshooting Dmitri Colebatch Rough draft
Deployment None
   Deployment Descriptor   None
   Deploying a JSP   None
   Deploying a servlet   None
   tomcat/lib vs. WEB-INF/lib   None
   Troubleshooting   None
Advanced Configuration None
   Realms   None
   Virtual Hosts Scott Tatum None
   SSL   None
   Workers Armin Roehrl None
   Interceptors Filip Hanik Rough Draft Completed
   JSP Tags Bill Penberthy In progress
   WAR files   None
Apache Integration In progress
   mod_jk Martin Mauri, Scott Tatum Rough Draft Completed
     ajp12 vs. ajp13 Scott Tatum, Martin Mauri Rough Draft Completed
   Configuration files Martin Mauri, Scott Tatum Rough Draft Completed
   Applicaiton mapping Scott Tatum Rough Draft Completed
   Virtual hosting Scott Tatum Rough Draft Completed
   SSL   Rough Draft Completed
   Security issues   None
   Troubleshooting Martin Mauri, Scott Tatum Rough Draft Completed
iPlanet/Netscape Integration In progress
   NSAPI compliation Chad La Joie Rough draft completed
   Configuration files Chad La Joie Rough draft completed
   Application mapping Chad La Joie Rough draft completed
   Virtual hosting Chad La Joie In progress
   SSL Chad La Joie Rough draft completed
   Security issues Chad La Joie In progress
   Troubleshooting Chad La Joie In progress
IIS Integration In progress
   ISAPI integration and configurations Adam Fowler In progress
   Configuration files Adam Fowler In progress
   Application mapping Adam Fowler In progress
   Virtual hosting Adam Fowler In progress
   SSL Adam Fowler In progress
   Security issues Adam Fowler In progress
   Troubleshooting Adam Fowler In progress
Appendix A: Extra Resources None
   Specifications   None
   Java Tools Armin Roehrl (HttpUnit) None
Appendix B: Example Applications None
   Basic Examples   None
   Advanced Examples   None
Appendix C: What's to come? In progress
   Tomcat 4.0 Adam Fowler In progress
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